There is something to be said for a Sabbath. Not that I want to get theological about it (although that is a basis for it), but when you really and truly experience the REST of time away from the normal rush and strain of life, you know that it is a divine moment.
A couple weeks ago, my family experienced a Sabbath time together-not on a Sunday, but on a day when Seth had off and we just took our time strolling through the woods near our house. Even with an energetic 3 year old and a 2 month old, we were able to see the beauty of creation and know that we are a small part of the big picture.
Then there is the blessing of a coffee shop break for a mom. An hour away from diapers, runny noses, ouches and yes, even away from puzzles, Thomas the tank engine and naps. My mom has given me the gift of time lately. Just an hour or two here and there while she watches the boys, but it has been a refreshment to my soul and I'm so grateful. Thanks Mom and thanks to the
Creator of our souls who formed us and made each of us exactly how He wanted us to be. He knows that I need breaks like these and realistically that we each need the sabbath time to rest and be re-energized for what He has next in our lives.