Sunday, August 17, 2008

A million and one questions

If I had taken the time to sit down last week and write this blog entry, it would have been titled "A thousand and one questions", but since the week has lapsed we have gone WAY past the thousand mark. I am referring very lovingly to Isaiah's new habit of question asking. On many occasions he doesn't even stop for a breath between the answer to one question before he starts with the all too familiar "but why..." or "cause for what?"
Yes, it is endearing and pretty funny sometimes, but more than that I pray that he continues to be a learner all of his life. That he never stops asking questions and seeking the answers. That his mind would always be challenged to explore and not take for granted. That he would think and reflect and ponder the greatness of God and of this world. My challenge is to teach him how to think through the answers for himself so his questions can become deeper and stronger as he grows up. And when I've spent the whole day answering his questions and am on the verge of being exasperated, to remember what a privilege and a responsibility it is to be a parent and have the opportunity to interact with my son like this. I hope we can always keep talking so easily and that one day I'll be asking his brilliant mind to give me some answers.


Kimmer said...

Smach--I love the slice of life you have shown in this blog. You are so intentional in your parenting and it's a great model for me--watching you gives me good ideas to tuck away for couple of years down the road. :) And, question asking is such a great thing, even if it does get tedious!


Kristin, Matthew, Linnea, Sonja & Mira said...

This is so funny. Linnea is doing the same things these days. When we have gotten frustrated and think that she is just toying with us she then goes on to explain something to us that she learned by asking questions days, or even weeks, ago. So we just keep answering questions as best we can.