Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hike to Haystack

Had a great family time this morning hiking up Haystack Hill, which is very close to home, quite steep and gave a great view of the Valley. Elias slept in the jogging stroller all the way up while Isaiah climbed with Seth and I. We had snacks at the top and I worried about Isaiah falling off the cliff while Seth pointed out all the sights from the lookout point. Best of all, we had the chance to just be together, enjoy the sunshine and grow closer as a family!Can you guess where Isaiah learns to make faces like that?


Anonymous said...

You took the stroller all the way up? That's pretty impressive! Great pics of the boys!

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! I'm glad you got to enjoy the nice weather we have had recently. I'll see you on Wednesday!

Kimmer said...

I love you comment about how you worried about Isaiah falling off the cliff while Seth checked out the vantage point. Such a mom thing to do! :) I missed this post, so I'm just now seeing it. Your kids are cute.