Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Big Three Ohhh.....

Yes, the moment we have been waiting for has happened. Seth officially turned 3o and now is mature enough to start Seminary. (without a bachelor's degree you have to be 30 years old to get your master's degree) I'm ashamed to say that we didn't have a huge party for this event, but enjoyed a fun day together as a family and then had dinner with my parents and sister Bethany that night. Seth did hit a hole in one on the local frisbee golf course, a wonderful birthday present. He also received at least six books on the "must read before school starts" list and I'm pretty sure we will never leave the house without one of them along!

In case you didn't know, Seth will be starting school in January '09 at Regent College in Vancouver, BC, getting his Master of Divinity degree. This is one of the main reasons why we moved back to this area, so that we were close enough to my family and close enough to Regent for Seth to commute from this side of the border. He is so very excited to start school and I am so very proud of him for following this calling on his life. He loves to study and teach the Word and although we are not sure where we will be led once school is over, it's an amazing opportunity for him to be able to sit under such great professors at Regent. And yes, that is a Pocahontas birthday bag you see in the picture. It's been passed around my family for birthdays for at least two years now and has a tear in one side, but it is precious to us all.


Steven & Joelle said...

That birthday bag looks mighty familiar...did the Power Rangers bag ever make an appearance?

Melissa said...

Love the Pocahontas bag and congrats to Seth! (I didn't know about that whole Bachelors vs. 30 thing.) Woohoo!