Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bouncy Bubbles

We recently got the bouncy house out and it's been a great way for Isaiah to release some of that 3 year old boy energy. Seth asked if we had been watching WWF before we went outside to bounce, but no...that is all pure boy coming out. Can't wait to see what two boys in one bouncy house will do. For now Elias just likes to watch and blow bubbles. He is pretty good at the bubbles and had a nice conversation with Junior Asparagus today. He is working on getting those neck muscles stronger and loves to smile and giggle at Isaiah. He seems to LOVE attention when he gets it.
We have pictures AND video of the first time Isaiah rolled over-the whole family was there cheering him on. The first time Elias rolled over I was busy helping Isaiah. Elias was laying on the floor and when I looked down to check on him, he had rolled over to his tummy. We try to notice him more often now. :) Of course he is very capable of letting us know when we have not paid enough attention to him and rightly so. It's been getting more and more fun to have two kids!


Kimmer said...

Love the video! Isaiah definitely seems all boy. He's really cute. Oh, and happy birthday to Seth and congrats on the beginning of seminary! Yeah!


Megan said...

I love the picture of Isaiah and Junior!

Megan said...

Ha! I meant Elias and Junior (but isaiah is adorable too!)